Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama in Berlin

Originally uploaded by querlink
the famous love parade used to take place here....

Obama in Berlin

Originally uploaded by grex
Video wall with masses and the siegessäule.

the famous love parade used to take place here....

Obama in Berlin

Obama in Berlin
Originally uploaded by smokeonit
Barack Obama speaks to 200000 in the heart of berlin.

I think this is a good sign for the relations between washington and berlin. after all, this have been very hard times for diplomats since the invasion of iraq.

germany was more than ok with the invasion of afghanistan since the taliban and al qaida were holding hostage the whole country and something had to be done.

in retrospective the german position on iraq was the right one and the US has and will continue to pay a hefty price for listening to a biased media influenced by people that believe the whole country should switch from darwin to creationism in their public schools....

Obama in Berlin

Obama in Berlin
Originally uploaded by smokeonit
Barack Obama speaks to 200000 in the heart of berlin.

Obama in Berlin

Obama in Berlin
Originally uploaded by smokeonit
Barack Obama speaks to 200000 in the heart of berlin.

Obama in Berlin

Obama in Berlin
Originally uploaded by smokeonit
Barack Obama speaks to 200000 in the heart of berlin.

Waiting for the Rhine Ferry @ Grosskraftwerk (Powerplant) Mannheim

took this shot while waiting for the ferry to come across the river.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Virgin America Coach.

Google Maps Integration!
Originally uploaded by ms.flux
Coach on Virgin America with googlemaps navigation service.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Virgin America First Class

Virgin America First Class
Originally uploaded by penner42
that's a cool find!

i think it's about time people get google maps on in flight entertainment systems!

iPhone WPS location (skyhookwireless)

WPS location
Originally uploaded by smokeonit
About 5m off from actual location. 3 to 4 wifi stations available for getting the location fix.

Skyhookwireless does the data scanning for this t oactually work.

Submit an WiFi station that is not in their Database.

Old Google Maps Street View of Steve Jobs Parking lot @ his "house" in

New Google Maps Street View of Steve Jobs Parking lot @ his house in Palo Alto.

no more SL in sight...

Old Google Maps Street View of Steve Jobs Parking lot @ his "house" in

Old Google Maps Street View of Steve Jobs Parking lot @ his house in Palo Alto.


Originally uploaded by smokeonit
The first atomic bomb is readied for testing near Alamogordo, New Mexico, in July 1945.

iPhone 2G with iPhone osX 2.0 and tracking mode off

this shows the new feature and how to activate/deactivate it.

iPhone 2G with iPhone osX 2.0 and tracking mode on

this shows the new feature and how to activate/deactivate it.


Originally uploaded by smokeonit
On July 16th 1945 the Trinity was the first nuclear bomb test known to mankind. The same type of bomb was dropped on Nagasaki weeks later. That bomb was named "Fat Man".... 20 kilotons of destructive force, nothing compared to the 80s/90s US and Soviet bombs that were waiting to bomb us back to the stone age...

Lost (ABC) Production Mistakes (Episode 413-414)

Production mistake in the last episode of season 4 of Lost.

In this shot the action doubles are doing a great job of standing in for the actors. But Hurley was not with them, instead it was decided that a puppet will do, LOL... and the pilot has the wrong beard color...

Lost (ABC) Production Mistakes (Episode 413-414)

Production mistake in the last episode of season 4 of Lost.

on the freighter there's 11 people on deck, but after the scene jump from the closeup to the wide shot there's only 2 people on deck.

Lost (ABC) Production Mistakes (Episode 413-414)

Production mistake in the last episode of season 4 of Lost.

on the freighter there's 11 people on deck, but after the scene jump from the closeup to the wide shot there's only 2 people on deck.

iPhone 2G Tracking in Google Maps

the new trcking feature in iphone osX 2.0. works very well in my city! even though now GPS in the iphone 2G it kept my postion very accurate!